• Trial Period:

    The first four weeks in our program are a trial period. During this time, either clients or the provider may terminate our agreement immediately without a written notice.

  • Termination after the Trial Period:

    After the four-week trial period has been completed, you must give us a two-week written notice of your intent to terminate our agreement. Your deposit will cover the last 2 weeks of care. If you should terminate your child’s care without a written notice, the deposit will not be refunded.

  • Advance Payment for Last Two Weeks of Care:

    You will pay a 2-week deposit that will cover your last two weeks of care in advance upon signing the agreement.

  • The following are conditions (but not limited) will cause child care to be terminated:

    • continual late payments

    • child behavioral problems that cannot be controlled. It include aggressive, abusive (orally or physically), violent behaviors, and inappropriate language.

    • not respecting child care setting and policies (children and/or clients)

    • continual late pick-ups