• Each child will be observed daily for signs of illness.

  • Children who are contagious must stay at home. All clients of children in our care, as well as the Health Department, will be notified by phone of communicable diseases or food poisoning.

  • Please call us if your child will not be coming due to illness. If you are unsure if your child should come or not, please call.

  • If a child should become ill during the day, you will be notified immediately and will be expected to pick up the child as soon as possible. In such event, your child will be isolated from the other children until you arrive.

  • The parent is responsible for finding substitute care in case of the child’s illness.

  • The following illnesses are not accepted in our child care home per instruction of the Department of Public Health:

- **Diarrhea:**  Three or more watery stools in a 24-hour period, especially if child acts or looks sick. 

- **Vomiting:**  Vomiting on two or more occasions within the past 24 hours. 

- **Rash:**  Body rash not associated with diapering, heat or allergic reactions, especially with fever or itching. 

- **Eyes:**  Thick mucus or pus draining from the eye, or pink eye. 

- **Appearance/Behavior:**  unusually tired, pale, lack of appetite, difficult to wake, confused or irritable. 

- **Sore Throat:**  Especially if associated with fever or swollen glands in the neck. 

- **Fever:**  Temperature of 101 degrees F. or higher and sore throat, rash, vomiting, diarrhea, ear ache, irritability or confusion. 

- **Lice:**  Children who have lice may not return to day care until they are louse and nit (egg) free. 

**Please keep your child home until all symptoms are gone.**
  • To protect other children in the child care home, children who are found to have a contagious disease will be removed from the child care home right away and won’t be allowed to return to our child care home until a written permission is authorized by your doctor or the Health Department.

  • All children must be up to date on their immunizations. Clients are required to send us a copy of your children’s current immunization record. Clients are required to update your children’s immunization record once a new shot is performed.

Please readKeeping Your Sick Child at Homefrom the Seattle-King County Department of Public Health.