Hand Washing Practices

We (children and adults) will be washing our hands before and after preparing food, when handling pets, after playing outdoors, after diapering or using the toilet, and whenever in contact with body fluids.

We encourage clients to model hand washing in our child care as well as at home.

Injury Prevention

We will check daily to make certain that both the indoor and outdoor play areas are safe for children and families – free from broken glass, toys and equipment are safe and the area is free from hazards. All medications, cleaning products and chemicals will be inaccessible to the children.

Food Handling Practices

Food safety precautions are taken. All vegetables and fruits are washed with running water. Prepared food is stored at appropriate temperature. Meat, fish, and egg are heated to be steaming hot in order to reduce food borne illness. Hot food preparation is done in kitchen, where children are not allowed.